After the sunniest summer in W-Iceland in recent memory we now have a beautiful autumn when nature slows down and prepares for the winters sleep. Things are slowly calming down, most summer birds have left, their voices are no longer heard but instead the raven’s song is heard on regular basis as they fly over the farm in their never ending search for food. Due to the unusually warm climate, some farmers are still making hay, the grass is still growing and most meadows are still green – and NB! I´m talking about Iceland here, not Central Europe.
We, horse people and farmers who are fortunate enough to live in close contact with nature and build our schedule around her rhythms, strive to finish the things that need to be done before winter with frost and snow sets in. Food and winter supplies for both animals and humans need to be gathered, processed and kept in stock, houses have to be repaired so that they will be okay in the bad weathers ahead, animals need to be rounded up and kept in safe places, fences must be attended to and much more. There is much to be done. In the meantime, our horses take it easy in the pasture, preparing for winter in their own way and growing fat slowly but surely while the day gets shorter and shorter with every week that passes. Everything is good and for that we are grateful.
One of the projects that needs to be completed this fall is the new website Seemingly we have succeeded in that – otherwise you would not be reading this text.
On the webpage you will find detailed information about the operation at Gufuá and what we have to offer such as saddles, retreats and crafts related to Icelandic horses and agriculture.
Our Facebook page will continue to run smoothly and we will be active there by adding news, pictures, advertisements and other content. We are also considering whether or not to go on Instagram and will see about that when things calm down a bit – maybe in the beginning of next year.
We are so fortunate to have many followers from around the world who are interested in knowing what we are doing, buying what we are selling and listening to what we have to say. They are curious about our ideas, experiences and what we want to share of our life on this small island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. For that we are infinitely grateful. These are people who are thirsty for information, knowledge, stories and pictures of the Icelandic horse, Icelandic nature and country life, Icelandic culture and Icelandic people - all of which are our passion and lifestyle. Both Benni and me are storytellers and we will of course tell stories on this website ;)
The Icelandic horse and all that goes with it knows no boundaries and the experiences that people have with it are a source of endless joy. For some it is enough to know of the horse´s presence or have them visible somewhere in the landscape, others get their joy from just listening to them chewing on their feed or watching them playing and enjoying life with other horses. Still others are more passionate about seeing how the breeding goals laid out in the previous year turn into a beautiful foal this spring and many work on building relationships with an unnamed young horse. Most horse people strive to create an understanding and cooperation between man and horse, make a friend, soul mate, teacher, travel companion, riding horse, gæðingur.
It does not matter how we view the Icelandic horse; without it life would be so much, much emptier. This homepage would not exist, I would certainly not be writing these contemplations and probably would have passed away long ago from pure boredom.
So let's just say thank you. And let's not forget to say thanks to the horse itself for all that it consciously and unconsciously gives to us, and we take - often for granted, just because we can.
And finally, thanks for reading. We hope you will find something of interest on the website and we look forward to greet a winter full of new and exciting projects ahead.
Sigga & Benni